About Us 关于我们

在 JETHRO,我们是 Chaina 领先的最先进 CNC 机械制造商。 我们以济南为基地,将中国的工程实力与尖端技术相结合,为全球各个行业提供无与伦比的精度和效率。 At JETHRO, we are the Chaina's leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art CNC machinery. From our base in Jinan, we blend Chinese engineering prowess with cutting-edge technology, delivering unparalleled precision and efficiency to diverse industries worldwide.

Our History 我们的历史

JETHRO LTD 的诞生源于彻底改变 CNC 行业的愿景。 我们成立于济南,稳步发展成为中国领先的数控机械制造商。 我们对创新、质量和服务的承诺使我们成为寻求提高运营效率和精确度的企业值得信赖的合作伙伴。 JETHRO LTD was born out of a vision to revolutionize the CNC industry. Founded in Jinan, we have steadily grown to become the China's leading manufacturer of CNC machinery. Our commitment to innovation, quality, and service has made us a trusted partner for businesses seeking to increase efficiency and precision in their operations.

Our Commitment 我们的承诺

作为 JETHRO 的一员,我们致力于维护我们在质量、创新和客户满意度方面的声誉。 我们很自豪地说,我们的产品是采用最新技术并在最严格的质量控制措施下制造的。 我们熟练的工程师和技术人员团队确保我们生产的每台机器都符合最高标准。 As a JETHRO, we are committed to maintaining our reputation for quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We are proud to say that our products are manufactured using the latest technology and under the strictest quality control measures. Our team of skilled engineers and technicians ensures that each machine we produce is of the highest standard.

Why Choose JETHRO LTD? 为什么选择 JETHRO 有限公司?

在 JETHRO LTD,我们致力于为客户提供最优质的数控机械。 我们了解精度和效率在您的运营中的重要性,我们的机器旨在满足并超越这些要求。 At JETHRO LTD, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality CNC machinery. We understand the importance of precision and efficiency in your operations, and our machines are designed to meet and exceed these demands. Our team of experienced engineers and technicians are on hand to provide comprehensive after-sales service, ensuring your machines continue to operate at peak performance. With ZEMAC LTD, you're not just buying a machine - you're investing in a promise of quality, reliability, and exceptional customer service.

Our Products 我们的产品

JETHRO 的光纤激光切割机代表了先进技术与高精度和最佳生产率的融合。 我们的机器在中国设计和制造,提供无与伦比的速度和精度,减少生产时间,并确保最高质量的输出。 JETHRO's Fiber Laser Cutting Machines represent the fusion of advanced technology with high precision and optimal productivity. Designed and manufactured in China, our machines offer unparalleled speed and accuracy, reducing production times, and ensuring the highest quality output. Press Brake Machines Our diverse range of Press Brake Machines is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes. From compact models for smaller operations to high-capacity machines for large-scale production, JETHRO's Press Brake Machines deliver precise bends consistently. Engineered for maximum efficiency and reliability, our machines help you meet your project deadlines with ease.

Our Technology 我们的技术

我们的机器采用尖端技术制造,确保它们始终处于 CNC 行业的前沿。 我们不断努力创新和改进,将 CNC 技术的最新进展集成到我们的机器中。 这种对持续开发的承诺确保我们的客户获得高效、可靠且能够满足现代制造需求的机械。 Our machines are built using cutting-edge technology, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the CNC industry. We constantly strive to innovate and improve, integrating the latest advancements in CNC technology into our machines. This commitment to ongoing development ensures our clients receive machinery that is efficient, reliable, and capable of meeting the demands of modern manufacturing.

Sustainability 可持续发展

在 JETHRO LTD,我们认识到可持续发展的重要性。 我们的机器采用节能设计,不仅可以降低您的能源成本,还可以减少您的碳足迹。 我们相信创造的产品不仅可以为我们的客户服务,还可以为更加绿色的地球做出贡献。 At JETHRO LTD, we recognize the importance of sustainability. Our machines are designed to be energy efficient, reducing not only your energy costs but also your carbon footprint. We believe in creating products that not only serve our clients but also contribute to a greener planet.

Training and Support 培训和支持

我们不只是销售机器 - 我们提供全面的解决方案。 当您从 JETHRO LTD 购买机器时,您就可以获得丰富的资源。 我们的专家团队可以提供培训,帮助您的员工最大限度地发挥新机器的潜力。 此外,我们的售后支持可确保快速解决任何问题,最大限度地减少停机时间并保持您的运营顺利进行。 We don't just sell machines - we provide comprehensive solutions. When you purchase a machine from JETHRO LTD, you gain access to a wealth of resources. Our team of experts are available to provide training, helping your staff maximize the potential of your new machinery. In addition, our after-sales support ensures any issues are quickly resolved, minimizing downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.

Our Promise 我们保证

当您选择 JETHRO LTD 时,您就选择了质量、可靠性和服务。 我们支持我们生产的机器,我们支持我们的客户。 我们对您的承诺是一台性能符合最高标准的机器以及一支在您需要时随时待命的服务团队。 When you choose JETHRO LTD, you choose quality, reliability, and service. We stand by the machines we produce, and we stand by our customers. Our promise to you is a machine that performs to the highest standards and a service team that is there when you need them.